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Raiganj University, the only University of the district North Dinajpur and an upgraded University from Raiganj College, started its journey from 3rd February, 2015 with the mission of extending Higher Education among the backward regions of this district as well as of the whole state.  To comply with this Nobel mission of the University, Statistics Department, the only Statistics Department of North Bengal,has started its journey in the year 2018 with the hope thatin near future this Department will be considered to be one of the best Statistics Department in the country in terms of its research output, curriculum, teaching and student quality.

Mission of the Department: 


To support the mission of the University the main mission of this Department is to become a world leading department in both teaching and research, by providing high quality Under Graduate and Post Graduate programmers to students and by exposing them to the arena of world class research.



Vision of the Department:


  • ● Contribute to the promotion of Statistics and dissemination of its discoveries in the nation.
  • ● Provide strong undergraduate and post graduate programmers with international standards.
  • ● Promote interdisciplinary research programmers in collaboration with industries and other research institutes in and outside India.
  • ● Encourage the learning and love of Statistics in local area especially at the secondary school level.
  • ● Help the government in solving some developmental problems of the country.
Level & Nature of the ProgramsDegrees Approved/Offered

Objective of the UG Program:

To prepare students for Higher studies in Statistics so that the students can get job in various fields of Statistics.


Future Program Planning (if any)

  • ● Provide strong undergraduate and post graduate programmers with international standards.
  • ● Promote interdisciplinary research programmers in collaboration with industries and other research institutes in and outside India.
  • ● Encourage the learning and love of Statistics in local area especially at the secondary school level.
  • ● Help the government in solving some developmental problems of the country.

The Department has following facilities for its students, researchers and teachers—

  • ● Well equipped furniture,
  • ● Computer,
  • ● Internet etc

New Department/ No Facts Available

New Department/ No Facts Available

New Department/ No Facts Available

Students of the Department of Statistics goes to different departments like Physics, Chemistry to take classes GE (Generic Elective).

New Department/ No Facts Available

Department of Statistics

Second Floor,

Mathematical Science Complex

Near Play Ground

Raiganj University

West Bengal-733 134, India



Head: (Dr.Amarkit Kundu)